Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Sold Story – Trustee Lived In Another State

Keeping the Trust in a Trust Sale

It had already been, by all accounts, an annus horribilis, when the sellers of 19813 Entradero contacted their friend and DIGGS agent, Joanne Poesch, in June. After the deaths of their mother and sister within a few weeks of each other, it had fallen to the Virginia-based couple to sell the family home in Torrance.

A stranger wouldn’t do.

Being so far removed from the local real estate market, our sellers realized they didn’t need any old local agent they might find online – they needed someone they knew and trusted. Luckily for everyone, Joanne was now living nearby and able to take every worry off their hands…and their worries were multiplying.

How many things went wrong?

During the listing process, our seller had to have an urgent surgery, his wife retired, then he retired, they sold their home in Virginia in record time and had just a few days to find a new home in Florida. Oh, and Joanne was headed out of the country for vacation. Go big or go home, right?

But the sellers knew Joanne had their back

This could have turned into a disaster, but with DIGGS’ attention to detail and commitment to serving our clients, the listing and subsequent sales process went off without a hitch. DIGGS is no stranger to selling a home in a living trust and we knew just what to do.

Joanne crafted a plan for preparing the home for sale and the DIGGS staff filled in while Joanne travelled- meeting vendors, gathering quotes and scheduling work. The sellers trusted Joanne’s recommendations implicitly – they knew she had their back.

It helped that our sellers are super tech-savvy and were able to answers questions, organize contractors, negotiate multiple contracts and sign documents from hospital beds, airplanes and once even from a historic, colonial town square!

Big win for our sellers!

We’re thrilled that our sellers accepted an offer well above their asking price, but even happier that we could make this stressful time a little less so.

The sellers could have hired a complete stranger they found on the internet, but they put their faith in Joanne – a person they knew they could trust. Their leap of faith paid off and one less thing is off their plate.

Here’s to 2020 being an annus mirabilis for both our clients and the new owners of 19813 Entradero!

Everyone knows a dozen Realtors…

In fact, you are probably related to one. But, did you know that the vast majority of liscenced agents sell less than one home a year?

An inexperienced agent can make a lot of mistakes.

Would it surprise you to know that most agents train on how to get clients and sell homes, but few train on how to serve and protect their clients? Or, would it surprise you to know that most agents are rarely supervised past their third transaction, if that?

There are two parts to trust

Our sellers trusted Joanne in two super important ways.

They trusted her as a person. They knew Joanne’s heart. Joanne is a truthful person who is careful, detailed and motivated to do right by everyone in her life. The sellers trusted that Joanne would never choose her own benefit over theirs and that Joanne would be as careful with all of their details and she would with her own.

They trusted her as a professional. Everyone has an internal radar on who they can trust to be truthful and honest. It is MUCH harder to know who you can trust to be a professional. The sellers had worked with Joanne as a real estate professional back in Virginia. They knew her standards and work ethic and they trusted Joanne would find a company that aligned with those standards.

Do you have a trusted professional?

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