Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Sold Story – A Widow Learns To Live

Losing your husband is really, really hard.

Sherrie and Hart had had a wonderful life together for many decades, and his passing was difficult for Sherrie. She’d been planning to move out of their Brand Park home in that unimaginable time after Hart’s passing, but now that he was gone she had a hard time making the move.

Sherrie and I talked periodically for about 18 months before she felt ready to make the move.

How did you decide it was time to go?

Well, I wasn’t actually sure it was time to go. My financial advisor said that I needed to sell within two years after Hart’s passing to avoid a big capital gains tax. (note: Sherrie’s situation may not be the same as your own. Be sure to seek the advice of a qualified tax professional about your personal finances)

How did you decide where to go?

That one was easier. I’ve known for a long time that Hart would probably pass before I would. I have a brother in Colorado and that is where I decided to go. I did try on a number of other ideas over the years, but this was the winning idea!

Were you fearful of selling the home?

Oh, my yes! I was really afraid of having a bunch of strangers in my home. The thought of showing the house just made me so nervous. On the other hand, I needed every penny I could get from the sale. The equity is the lion’s share of what I will have to live on for the rest of my life.

How did you solve your dilemma?

You were a big help, there. You helped me understand what my home was probably worth. At first, I wished you would just spit out a number, but I finally got what you meant by “it depends”.

After I decided what I wanted, you brought just one buyer who gave me my price with no muss, no fuss. I didn’t have to fix a thing! I also loved how you stressed that I might get more on the open market and how you asked to meet with my closest friends and my financial advisor to answer any of their questions.

I’ve always trusted you, but taking that extra step set my mind at ease that you were looking out for me. I can’t say the same for some of the yay-hoos I’ve met since Hart passed.

Ah, I was happy to help! What other obstacles did you encounter?

It is amazing how much junk you can collect in such a small house! Moving through that stuff and deciding what to do with it was a huge chore. I am lucky to have really good friends and neighbors that helped me and even manned a big garage sale. It was hard, but it was a huge relief when it was all done.

Tell me about the place you bought!

I am so excited! My Realtor in Colorado is almost as smart as you are, she’s a real go-getter. I bought a nearly new home with a wonderful kitchen and three bedrooms just a few minutes from my brother. And thank you for smoothing the way for my purchase! It was a little stressful buying the home knowing my home in Glendale had to close in order for the whole thing to work.

Sherrie is happily installed in her new home in Colorado. She wrote to me, recently, to tell me about all the adventures she and her brother and sister-law have been on. Sherrie is truly DIGGS Tribe.

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