Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Sold Story – Reluctant To Leave The Family Home

Brand Park Character home for sale

Tom and Julie moved to their home in the Brand Park area in the 1970’s.

It started as a love story.  Tom was tapped by his mother to become the priest in the family.  That was how Tom wound up in Divinity School, well on his way to taking his vows…. when he met Julie.

The rest, as they say, is history.

1400 Irving is a place of family, friends, elegant dinner parties and epic teen flings.  Tom tinkered, Julie made the best home possible and the kids grew up, got married, and moved elsewhere. (You can see 1400 Irving Ave., here)

I had talked to Tom and Julie many times over the years as they tried to square their deep ties to Glendale with their longing to be closer to their kids and grandkids. Each time they decided to stay put.

2017, however, was their year.  Tom called me in the fall (2016).  A former engineer with IBM, Tom is all about planning and process. He likes to know all the details and thrives on checklists of specific things he should do to maximize the sale of the house. We decided to put the home on the market early March 2017 which gave us six months to prepare.

Throughout that six month period, Tom would invite me to come over and evaluate his progress. We would often end up creating a new checklist and I would refer contractors, painters, haulers and landscape guys. Engineers hate unknowns, so we also pre-inspected the home to uncover anything that might be a red flag to a potential buyer.

When the going gets tough, DIGGS has your back…

Our plan included a lot of de-cluttering, maintenance, touch up painting and cleaning, but no professional staging. We knew the new buyer would do probably do extensive remodeling. Still, with minimal investment from the seller, the DIGGS Transformation was amazing.

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