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7 Ways To Know You’ve Found The Right House

Found The Right House

You need to know if you’ve found the right house. You don’t want to buy the “wrong” house and feel stuck. It’s not like there is a free returns policy, right?!

You might have looked at a hundred houses and they all could sort of work if only…  We’ve been there. Buying a house is a major commitment, even if you have done it ten times before. You want to know that you aren’t going to regret your decision in a year or two and be stuck in a house that you hate. Here are a few tips to help you know you’ve found the right house.

7 Ways To Know You’ve Found The Right House

1. You See Your Life, There

When you find the right house you imagine what your life will be like in all of the rooms when you walk through. You know exactly where you are going to put the furniture. Nothing is the same as your current house, and yet it still feels familiar.

2. You Notice The Positives

The flaws were glaring in all the other houses. They lept out at you and you kept telling yourself “no house is perfect”.

The right house might have flaws, but you don’t notice them. Like any love relationship, the positives are overwhelming. Some are tangible, some just give you a warm feeling.

3. It Already Feels Like Home

Every room in the right house feels comfortable. Sometimes people are uneasy walking into the private areas of a house because they feel like they are intruding. When you find the right house, you already feel like it’s yours.

4. Affordable!

You can afford it. This doesn’t mean it is comfortable, because this is still California. But, all things considered, it is within your budget.  If a house is perfect, except you will have to skip meals in order to pay your mortgage, it’s not really perfect.

Bonus: How Much Down Payment Do You Need?

5. There Are No Deal Breakers

You know there is no perfect house with every feature you want. However, you have a list of non-negotiables! The right house doesn’t have any of those deal breakers. Know what you can and cannot live with for an extended period of time.

Bonus Read: How To Avoid Buyers Remorse

6. You Want To Tell The World

You texted a bunch of pictures to your bestie when you saw the house. If you already want to show everyone your new diggs, you’ve found the right house.  It’s a keeper.

7. You Feel Safe, Happy And Comfortable

It’s a cliché, but it’s true, You will know that the house you are looking at is “The One” by the way it makes you feel. Do you feel comfortable? Safe? Happy? You should feel all of these things when you are in your home and most of the time this is the way you feel from the minute you walk in.

In this market, it’s easy to overlook flaws and red flags because you just want to get into something. There are so few homes on the market you may lose faith that “the one” is coming.

That’s where a trusting relationship with the right Realtor makes a huge difference. A good real estate agent will help you to decide if you can live with a home’s flaws, and they all have them, or if you should keep looking.

Bonus Read: Complete First Time Home Buyer’s Guide

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