Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

The Definitive Guide to Buying a Pet-Friendly Home in Los Angeles

Guide to Buying A Home With Pet

Are you looking to buy a pet-friendly home?

More and more of the DIGGS buyers are requesting that we find a pet-friendly home for themselves and their fur babies. We think you are reasonable and smart to think about your pet needs and we are exactly the right real estate company to help you find the perfect home for you AND your pets!

Does it have a doggie door? Believe it or not, this question is right up there for pet parents along with the more traditional “What’s the square footage?” Before you start your search for a pet-friendly home, there are a few things to consider to make sure your next place is as comfortable for Fido and Fluffy as it is for you.

Don’t Be a Rule Breaker

Before you sign on the dotted line, you’ ll need to check out your HOA or condo regulations with regard to pets. Some will have a restriction on the number of pets you can have in the home (yes, even if you own the place), and many will have a list of “prohibited breeds.” Also, if the home you’re about to purchase doesn’t have a fence, double check that you’re allowed to put one in after you move – electric or traditional.

Knowing the local pet laws are essential when looking for a pet-friendly home in Los Angeles. They include:

Here’s the full set of animal laws for Los Angeles County and for the City of Los Angeles.

All Good in the Hood

Gone are the days when we let our dogs and cats roam the streets, but this is still an important factor in choosing your next pet-friendly home. If you’re a dog owner, you’ll want to scope out the area and make sure it’s a good place to take walks. You may want to check out neighborhoods with sidewalks and make sure there’s amble lighting for those late-night potty breaks. And in case your pup is a runner, avoid homes on busy streets in case he gets close.

For pet parents with smaller dogs and cats, proximity to mountains and open space is a concern in the foothills of Los Angeles. Every year there are too many reports of little loves being snatched by coyotes, bears and even hawks and eagles.

Good Neighbors

Take a look around and see if you can spot other pet lovers. They say good fences make good neighbors, but a friendly French Bulldog looking for a playdate doesn’t hurt either! Also, pet owners are generally less likely to care if your dog or cat has a particularly vocal day while you’re away.

Get Vetted

Check out the proximity of vets to your desired new pet-friendly home. Having medical services nearby not only makes your life a little easier when it comes to regularly scheduled appointments, but can be a literal life-saver in an emergency.

You’ll also want to pinpoint local groomers, doggy day-care, pet stores and dog parks – this will also give you a feel of how pet-friendly the area is overall.

Size Does Matter

You may think you and your Mastiff will be nice and cozy in 800 sq. ft., but if you have the luxury of upsizing, you may want to think again. Have a large breed or multiple pets in a small space can not only get old for you, but it can stress your pet as well. A pet-friendly home gives dogs and cats room to roam and space away from people and other pets to decompress.

Floor Destroyers

If you’ve got a critter with claws, you may think hardwood floors are not a pet-friendly home feature, but don’t forget that hardwood can be refinished! Unlike carpet that traps dirt and odors (not to mention it’s a cat’s favorite thing to scratch), you can buff out any nicks and dents up to three times with traditional solid hardwoods.

Distressed, engineered hardwood is also a great (and on-trend) option, along with luxury vinyl plank flooring. We’ve come a long way with vinyl plank – you may not be able to tell the difference from hardwood at first glance!

Boxed In

A huge concern for cat parents is the location of the litter box. If the house you’re looking at doesn’t have a space that tucked away from the living area, you might be investing heavily in air fresheners.

Scoping Out the ‘Scape

As a pet parent you’re probably aware of the indoor plants that are poisonous to your pet, but when you start looking for a pet-friendly home, you’ll want to brush up on the outdoor features that could be dangerous.

In the California plant world, keep an eye out for Bird of Paradise, aloe, ivy and lilies. The ASPCA has a comprehensive list of toxic plants for  dogs, cats and horses.

While cats are notoriously curious, dogs aren’t far behind. If the home you fall in love with has a pool, doggie swimming lessons should be top of your to-do list!

The Golden Years

As your pets age, their agility declines and, just like us, they may have trouble navigating stairs. If you’re not in the market for a one-level home, just keep in mind that you may need to make adjustments to sleeping, eating and socializing locations for your pet down the road.

Zillow doesn’t have a Pet-Friendly Home search option

Are you already searching for the next perfect place for you and your pets? Then you know there is no “pet-friendly” box to check on the internet search portals. Our DIGGS agents are always keeping eyes peeled for the perfect ledge for a curious cat or the best locations for a dog run.

Ready To Work With Pet Friendly Realtors?

Call: 818.482.1885

P.S. Are you a home seller, too? Check out our Definitive Guide To Selling A Home With Pets!