Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Welcome to DIGGS New Agent Sales Training!


Starting a real estate career is hard and the sales training available for new agents is old-fashioned. Most programs focus on manipulative sales tactics that cement our salesperson’s reputation as untrustworthy.

People want a Realtor they can trust.

Developing a new business is the most difficult part of being a new real estate agent. In this video series, I’ll teach you how to be the agent everyone trusts as opposed to the agent everyone avoids!

New videos will arrive in your inbox.

They will arrive on a regular basis- any one of these videos might be your personal key to unlocking your potential.

If you like what you see you might be DIGGS Tribe.

We are different from any other brokerage around…and it might be a difference that works for you. Call us for a confidential conversation. I am looking for just a few new agents to personally train and mentor into a successful real estate career. I’ve sold thousands of homes, helped thousands of families- and I can teach you to do the same. Call me at my personal cell 818.482.1885.