Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Glendale CA Non-Profit Organizations

April Glendale Ca Real Estate Report

Do you have a favorite Glendale Ca non-profit organization?

This is the time of year where we count our blessing and consider helping those less fortunate than ourselves.

The recent round of fires in our foothills highlights how fragile our lives are and how strong our community can be! A few days ago we posted ways for concerned people to help our neighbors affected by the fires.

Today I want to expand on the idea of giving and list out the Glendale, CA charities and non-profits that DIGGS has supported over the years.

DIGGS Favorite Glendale Ca Non-Profit Organizations

Ascencia – this is the mac daddy non-profit charitable organization in Glendale. Ascencia provides a range of housing and programs to assist people out of homelessness. They start with emergency housing, but they also can provide permanent supportive housing, veteran services, job training and much more.

Glendale Salvation Army – The ubiquitous bell ringers at every grocery store are just the recognizable faces of an amazing organization. The Salvation Army provides Meals on Wheels, social services, clothes, food and more. They are in need of financial donations to continue their good works.

Glendale Humane Society – This is popular DIGGS non-profit because who doesn’t want to help cute kittens and puppies? The GHS is a no-kill shelter and its entire budget is from private donations from pet lovers like us. And, you.

Glendale YWCA Battered Women’s Shelter – The YWCA offers crisis support, resources, shelter, education, and counseling. They offer services in English, Spanish and Armenian.

Community Foundation of the Verdugos – Contributions to this organization can continue to give back for years after your initial donation. That’s because your donation is invested in a larger fund that creates dividends which are distributed to worthy organizations in the form of grants. I am oversimplifying the process, and it is worth your while to click the link and learn more.

Verdugo Woodlands Dad’s Club – I have to admit to a major soft spot for this organization. The Dad’s Club is a crazy, dorky, awesomely cool organization that supports the Verdugo Woodlands Elementary School and so much more. Click the link to see the best “ask for donations” page I have ever seen.

Sometimes I feel crushed by the weight of the raw need out there, in the urban wild. Sometimes it is easier to close my eyes and believe in unicorns and rainbows, but this attitude does not help the universe. Click the link, make the donation, keep it local if you can.

Make a difference.

Much Love,

Kendyl and the DIGGS Team