Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Alex Theater Virtual Tour

Downtown Glendale Real Estate


We were the first real estate company to use 3D scanning technology to showcase our listings. We bought the equipment and we create a scan of every single listing we have – not just the fancy pants homes.

All buyers love the scan because they have confidence they are seeing everything they need to see – not just the carefully selected and orchestrated still photos.

The buyers from surrounding areas like the San Gabriel Valley or Northeast Los Angeles get the most benefit from our 3D technology. These buyers have exhausted their options in their own neighborhoods and are exploring Glendale. Our scans help motivate these buyers to get in their cars and see what Gelndale has to offer!!

We scanned the Alex Theater in Glendale Ca as a way of showing off the power of our 3D technology.


BONUS – take a walk backstage and down below in the dressing rooms!