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The Definitive Guide to Selling a Home with Pets

Selling With Pets

Have thought about how selling your home with pets is more complicated? What to do with your pets while your home is on the market? Never fear – our Pet Friendly Realtor Joanne Poesch has all the answers on how to make the listing process with pets a walk in the park!

Picture Perfect

It may be super cute to see a pup in marketing photos, but it can be a huge turn-off to potential buyers. No matter how photogenic your pet may be, they shouldn’t be in any pictures of the house.

The same goes for any damage the pet may have done. If you can’t fix things like ripped screens, chew marks or stained carpet before it’s time for the photo shoot, make sure these unsightly items don’t make it to Zillow!

Relocation, Relocation, Relocation

The best choice to keep your pets (and potential buyers) most comfortable is to move your pets to another location while you’re showing the home. Placing them with a trusted sitter, family member or friend is ideal to reduce stress, but if that’s not an option, either take them with you for the day. Pets get very nervous when strangers enter their home and even more so if they are caged. And buyers can get scared, too!

Consider using a walking service such as Wag! or Rover to have someone be on-call to take your dog for a walk when showings come up.

Exotic Problems

We know that not all pets are furry, so let’s talk reptiles. Not everyone is a fan and a snake or lizard could give some buyers the creeps. Like dogs and cats, try to remove any cold-blooded creatures from your home before listing.

What’s That Smell

As a pet parent, you’re probably used to your cat or dog’s unique scent, but not everyone appreciates it the way you do. Make sure the litter box is pristine every day, have the carpets and soft furnishings cleaned and put any pet beds outside or in the garage during showings.

Be sure to replace your are filter and add a HEPA filter to help remove dander and odor particles. Also, limit your use of air freshener – it won’t always cover the smell and often will turn off a buyer. Floral scents should be avoided in favor of vanilla or spice.

Without a Trace

Before all showings, pack up toys, beds, cages, scratching posts and put away food and water bowls. make sure there’s no dog or cat hair on the floor or the furniture.

While we all love to display photos of our pets, you should consider putting those away as well. You don’t want to give potential buyers a reason to think a pet may have done damage to the house.

And don’t forget to take care of the outside! Be sure to scoop your yard and fix any burn spots or ruts.

Handling the Allergic Buyer

If you encounter a buyer who loves your home, but whose allergies flare up when they walk in the door, offer to have the carpets cleaned as well as the ductwork. This will get rid of pet dander trapped in the heating and cooling system and reduce allergens.

Phone a Friend

Once you think you’ve done everything you can to make the house impeccable and pet-free, have a friend come over and take a look as if they were a buyer and ask for their honest feedback. A good friend will tell you if you don’t pass the sniff-test.

Joanne Poesch is an experienced Realtor and dedicated animal lover. Joanne can’t wave a magic wand, but she has the chops to ensure your Fido or Fluffy is as calm as possible through this process

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Are you looking to buy after you sell you home? Check out The Definitive Guide to Buying a Pet-Friendly Home in Los Angeles.