Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Sold Story -The Neighbor Wanted To Buy It

sell a glendale ca home

one leval spanish style home for sale

It is not unusual that a neighbor wanted to buy this Spanish Style home in Glendale. It IS unusual for a neighbor to pay top dollar.

Such was the case for our latest sale at 808 Patterson located in the Pelanconi neighborhood of Northwest Glendale. Our seller’s neighbors wanted to purchase this Spanish Style home to create a family compound. It was ideal – cousins would grow up playing together every day, parents could share cooking and maybe even errand duties.

The Seller Had To Choose Between Convenience And Top Dollar

The neighbor felt their offer was very fair. They assumed the savings in commission combined with saving the home seller time, money and inconvenience would make their offer extremely attractive to the home owner. They thought the bottomline price to the seller was a slam dunk.

Our clients did not see it the same way. We did not see it the same way.

Our client’s knew they could sell their Spanish Style Glendale home far above the “average price per square foot”.

Selling A Glendale Home For Top Dollar Means Preparation And Marketing

To be fair, the recent sales in the neighborhood supported the neighbor’s offer. But our client understood the power and value of the presentation. They had confidence their cute Spanish Style home would outperform the recent sales.

And they were willing to gamble.

They had studied the Glendale home selling market and they knew that homes in cream puff condition sold for a lot more than homes that needed work. They were willing to clean their home down to the toothpick level – every niggling little maintenance issue was addressed, every speck of dirt removed, even the hairline cracks in the vintage tile floor were erased by a tile artisan.

Luckily our clients already had lovely furniture and amazing art. We brought an editorial eye and a little bling to finish the picture.

Bonus Read: What Do I Have To Fix

A Buyer Pays More For A Home vs. A Building

Our clients knew they needed a specific sort of agent to maximize all of their hard work. Simply advertising the square footage or the room count would not be enough – their home had a story. For the right buyer, that story would mean HOME, not just a building.

Storytelling is not a normal real estate agent skill. 

Our clients interviewed 13 real estate agents before they found us. Many agents were skilled, experienced and possessed great track records. Many were willing to work for a low commission, but none of them “got” the story our clients wanted to tell. None of them clearly saw the buyer who would fall in love.

DIGGS is all about stories

We know that every home has a perfect buyer and this home had an especially attractive story to tell. Gorgeous architectural detail. Thoughtful modern touches. Unusual functionality with additional rooms and outbuildings.

This was soulful Spanish Style home in Glendale was a home for artists, perfectionists, and people who value life, not just living.

Bonus Read: DIGGS Portfolio of Sold Listings

DIGGS got to work

We start with an ideal client profile. The condition, style and location meant that we would appeal to detail oriented people who appreciated good design. We thought Dreamworks and Disney employees were ideal, closely followed by JPL people and video game production people.

We also decided they would be young and consumed with their career but just starting to think about family and personal life.

All of our marketing had this ideal buyer in mind. Ad copy, art direction of the photos and targeting of digital ads were all specifically designed to appeal to this profile. We included a 3d scan of the home and an Alexa app at the open house to attract younger, tech minded buyers.

It worked. Our open house events were mobbed with exactly the right sort of buyers and the offers started pouring in.

There was a very happy ending

Our clients worked really hard to prepare the home. It sparkled in a way that is rare even for a DIGGS listing.

The DIGGS Teams – Optics, Logistics, Inspections and Showings worked their respective magics. Our Buyer Specialists leapt to the challenge of accommodating individual showings.

In the end our clients netted far above the neighbor’s offer after multiple offers.

The buyer? A young couple about to get married. She works at Disney and they are both detail loving perfectionists. NAILED IT.

Kevin and Suzanne’s Review of DIGGS

“Kendyl Young is the Bomb! A home’s value isn’t always just about the market and square footage. Kendyl understands that.

Kendyl and her team at Diggs, planned ahead, show’d up on time, followed through and did their job to perfection. I truly don’t think we could have gotten the selling price we got on our 1927 character home without her marketing expertise and enthusiasm.

Kendyl understood our homes story, attributes and value, so that the right buyer found it, fell in love and bought it. Her marketing of our home was flawless. She understood who would be interested and targeted them through her aggressive internet and Social Media marketing. Her photographer took amazing pictures.

The open house she orchestrated was brilliant, well staffed and had over 100 people show up.

Most importantly, Kendyl listened to us. Her and her team stayed in constant contact with us, was patient with our questions and explaining the intricacies of the sale.

She fought for us and our home till the last hour before escrow closed. We interviewed 13 realtors. None understood what we understood about our home, our neighborhood and who would buy it… except Kendyl. She got it. We couldn’t be happier.”

Bonus Read: Read More Reviews

Ready To Call Kendyl? Click to call or text: 818.485.4535

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