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5 Budget Friendly Fixes To Make Your Home Look Luxe

You need budget friendly fixes for your home because you want a beautiful home worthy of a magazine. Or, at least, nice enough to get top dollar and tons of offers. A full professional staging is simply NOT in the cards!

You can find room design ideas almost anywhere, the problem is your budget may not match your design aspirations. Don’t be disheartened! We have the 5 best tricks to make your house look luxe and expensive without breaking the bank.

Luxe design is all in the details, but you can do this budget friendly fixes. Arranging things in an eye pleasing way, keeping things simple (less is more!) and making sure everything is clean. Small, inexpensive updates can have a huge impact, and make the difference between buyers seeing your home’s potential or only seeing it as a “fixer”.

Declutter is the number one budget friendly fix

There is a reason this is the top of our list. Clutter brings down a room, makes your house feel smaller than it is and prevents people from picturing what your house would look like if their stuff was in it. You have to box it up eventually, why not get a head start and box up everything but the essentials. Clear off everything from the kitchen counter, keep all of your bathroom items tucked away in a cupboard (do you really want to show off your deodorant?) and the piles of papers have got to go.

Cleaning is another budget friendly fix

Clean like the Queen of England is about to come for a visit! Look, we know that you are busy, and that your house is probably tidy, but buyers will be looking in your drawers, your pantry and even that closet in the hall that is so full of stuff you risk bodily injury opening it. It’s easy to get used to a little bit of mess. Grout, windows, and carpets can all be cleaned professionally at a relatively low cost and your house will feel and smell so much cleaner because of it.


Fresh paint can make your home seem brighter and neutralize strong odors that may be lingering. It can also depersonalize your space so buyers can visualize their stuff (and themselves) in your home. That’s a lot of bang for such a budget friendly fix!


Cut flowers in a vase on the table, bright pots of flowers on your front porch, a bunch of colorful flowers planted in the yards. It doesn’t take much to perk up a room or the yard and it is a vewry budget friendly fix!

Crisp white linens

This is not only a budget friendly fix, you get to take them with you to your new home! The most expensive hotels have these in all of their rooms for a reason. A bed made with crisp white linens screams clean, cool and inviting. If people want to jump into your bed, chances are they are going to want to write an offer on your house.

There you have it, 5 easy and budget friendly fixes to get top dollar for your home. 

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