Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Keppel Elementary- Magnet for Visual and Performing Arts

Mark Keppel Elementary School

Mark Keppel Elementary School is in Glendale and located in the Brand Park/Kenneth Village neighborhood.

You might know that Keppel is a Magnet School- but I’ll bet you don’t know just how COOL this program really is! (unless, of course,  you have a Keppel Kid)

I had the high pleasure of interviewing Talisen Winder, Site Magnet Specialist for Keppel. She is uncommonly well spoken and I found out some wonderful things about this program.

Like many, I thought there was a bit of the “Fame” sort of thing- you know, little prodigies busting out impromptu music and dance numbers in the halls during recess.  Hey, we’re an industry town. That could happen.

Turns out, this magnet program is far cooler. We know that everyone learns a little differently. Some learn by hearing, others by seeing, still others with movement. By using visual and performing arts integrated into the everyday curriculum, Keppel Kids are learning how to think, reason and problem solve at more effective level than traditional methods allow.

In my interview, Talisen gives us insight into the magnet program and tells us how the program selects its participants. Clue: the best way is to buy a home within half a mile of Keppel.

For more information go to

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