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4 Critical Ways A Buyer Broker Protects You [Video]

What a Buyer's Agent does

You think you want a buyer broker (also known as a Buyer Agent). But you aren’t sure. It seems like all the information you need is on the internet, right?

Kendyl Young shares decades worth of experience to help you understand the truth of whether or not you need your own buyer agent.

Why do I need a Buyer Broker? All the homes are online!

That’s a pretty common sentiment with today’s buyers. You feel like you can just go online, find a house you like and you can just buy it. But, buying a home is not as simple as buying a car. A mistake can cost you a lifetime of headaches.

The Four Ways Your Buyer Broker Protects You

ONE – You don’t miss out on a great house

There is nothing more frustrating than finding the home of your dreams… after someone else has already bought it!! Your dedicated buyer broker wakes up every morning with a mission to consider every possible home on the market (and off!) and eliminating the ones that don’t work for you. That way you never miss out on the right house for you. (While we are at it, check out our current homes for sale!)

TWO – You don’t buy a money pit

Most buyers are afraid of buying “a money pit”. A dedicated buyer agent will make sure you get all the proper disclosures and reports, order all the normal inspections plus anything else you might need and help you understand the perspective of what you discover. Your buyer broker will get paid no matter what home you buy – that’s how you know they will help you buy the right home. (read: The Most Requested Repairs in a Sale)

Three – You don’t pay more than you want for a home.

We know how important it is to feel good about the price you pay for a home. Even a buyer who is not primarily focused on investment value wants to know they got a fair price. A real estate agent for the buyer makes sure you understand a home’s value in the market place and they won’t let you get carried away in a bidding war.

Four – You are more likely to “get” the popular home on the market

No matter what the real estate market looks like there are popular homes that can attract competitive offers. A great Buyer Broker will help you stand out above all the other buyers, sometimes helping you win without being the highest bidder!

Now, you are probably thinking that working directly with the listing agent is the best way to beat the other buyers. Sometimes that is the truth. But there are lots of reasons it is not a good idea to only work with the listing agent.