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Want to help the people affected by the fires?

Los Angeles County firefighters from station 28 attack a fire that broke out Wednesday morning at the Wildlife Waystation at the Creek fire which has burned more than 11,000 acres and destroyed at least 30 structures. ( Photo by David Crane, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG)

The Creek, Rye, and Skirball fires have damaged or destroyed dozens of structures and spurred hundreds of thousands evacuations across Los Angeles County. In Ventura County, the Thomas Fire has been even more devastating, claiming at least 150 structures and forcing 100,000 people to evacuate.

The smoke in the air, the wind howling through the trees, and the alerts ringing in our phones have put us all a little on edge. It is easy to feel helpless when natural disasters rip through our community, but there are ways to do some good.

Open up your wallet

If you have the means, this is one of the easiest ways to help. Even a small donation can make a difference.

United Way chapters in both Los Angeles and Ventura counties have established fire relief funds for communities hit by the blazes. Donations can be made online at the links above.

The Red Cross, which is operating multiple evacuation centers in LA County, is accepting donations through its website or by text. To make a contribution, text REDCROSS to 90999.

The Salvation Army, now providing food and supplies to evacuees in Ventura County, is also requesting donations, which can be made online or by phone (1 800 SAL ARMY).

Donate your time and skills

Looking to get involved right away? Head up to Ventura County, where the United Way, Red Cross, Sheriff’s Department are teaming up to place individual volunteers in places where their efforts will have the most impact.

Once the fire is contained, volunteer opportunities will be posted to the United Way of Ventura County’s website and social media accounts.

The Red Cross accepts volunteer applications on its website year-round, and it’s a great way to get involved in your community during times of need.

Donate supplies

Many of the evacuation centers and animal shelters housing people and pets displaced by the fires are accepting donations of food, water, and other supplies. A list of evacuation centers and animal shelters for the Creek Fire can be found here (and here for the smaller Skirball Fire).

Make sure to call ahead and check what might be needed.

Foster an animal

Citizens for a Humane Los Angeles are looking for temporary homes for displaced animals as the shelters begin to fill up. They can be contacted at 323.244.8020

Support the LA fire department

Want to support the brave women and men that fight the fires and protect our communities? Donate directly to the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation.