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Pet Safety and Fireworks

Pet Safety and Fireworks


All of the traditional public fireworks shows have been canceled. This means even more people will find ways to shoot fireworks in their own homes and neighborhoods.

It is more important than ever to protect your pet’s safety and well being!

Did You Adopt A FurBaby During The Pandemic?

Many of you adopted your first furbaby during the Shelter at Home period. You have never experienced the terror your new family member will experience.

Their senses are far more sensitive than ours – do not make the mistake of thinking your new family member will be just fine.

Your pet’s safety is important this holiday week! While we humans love the lights, colors and loud booms of fireworks on the Fourth of July, one thing’s for sure – it’s your pet’s most hated holiday.

According to the American Humane Association, July 5 is the busiest day of the year for animal shelters – they wind up full of pets who panicked the night before, took off looking for safety, and wound up lost and often injured.

Here are some tips for your pet safety this July 4.

Maximum Pet Safety- stay inside

It seems so simple, but it’s the best thing for your pet’s safety. You may be tempted to take your dog to a picnic or parade with you, but with the crowds and celebratory noises, you drastically increase the chance of him keeping spooked and breaking off his leash.

Don’t even think about taking them to the community fireworks display!

Keep Them Relaxed

When it’s time for the festivities to begin, lower the blinds and turn on the radio or TV in the room with your pets to help drown out the noise. Also consider giving them calming drops, diffusing lavender oil or using a weighted vest to help with anxiety. A nice long walk during the day will also help tire them out so they hopefully can sleep through it all!

Tagging and Chipping

Even if your pet is at home, there’s still a chance of them getting scared and escaping through an opening door. Keep your pets safe by remembering to keep exterior gates closed and locked and ask guests to pay attention when they are going in and out of the house.

Make sure your pet is tagged with an ID that has their name and your phone number. Even better, consider getting them microchipped before the 4th. It’s a relatively simple procedure that could save their life.

If chipping isn’t practical consider getting a chip alternative known as the Wag Tag. Read our post about the Wag Tag and how you can get one for FREE from DIGGS!

If your pets are already microchipped, make sure the information is up to date!

Don’t Leave Fireworks Laying Around

If you have (legal!) fireworks you’re thinking about setting off at home, make sure your pets are nowhere nearby. You know how much they love a good sniff – and fireworks are especially curious things. Unfortunately, many contain toxic chemicals like arsenic and potassium nitrate that are deadly to pets. Basic pet safety means keeping your fireworks securely stowed away from curious noses.

Whatever You Do – DON’T Set Them Off

Lighting those fireworks around your pets is just a bad idea. Not only are you risking them running away to find shelter, if they don’t get away quickly enough, they could wind up with burns or other injuries to their face and paws.

And did you know that if your pooch picks up one of the tasty looking, discarded matches, they could wind up with difficulty breathing, damaged blood cells or kidney disease?

Use Common Sense for your pet’s safety

Some additional things to keep in mind to make this July 4th a great one for the whole family:

If Your Pet Escapes

Every year hundreds of pets escape from home and wind up in local animal shelters. Here are the local pet shelters near Glendale Ca:

Glendale Humane Society
Pasadena Humane Society
Bark Avenue Foundation