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Top 4 Decor Trends for 2019

Decor trends are nothing compared to fashion, where brands release new clothes each season. However, decor does change over time. Could you imagine walking into an avocado bathroom straight from the 70s? It takes years for a trend to cycle in and out. As we’re sad to see some of our favorite decor trends from the 21st century go, we’re also excited to experiment with new ones. Here are four decor trend for 2019:

Nature inspirations

In the past few years, metals have played a major role in decor trends. From brass light fixtures to steel trash bins, everything was either brass or steel. The dark colors and bright lights accentuated the beauty of those pieces. In 2019, we can say goodbye to sleek metals and hello to soft woods. Nature is playing a big role in 2019 decor trends. Metallic pieces are being replaced by plants, and art made from sustainable resources.  Decor made from sustainable resources screams nature inspiration. By redecorating your home, you are also being environmentally conscious.

Unique Pieces

The minimalist trend used pieces of the same color in varying sizes. While it was fun to see the reoccurring decor of different sizes throughout a home, we are glad to see it go. Unique, artisanal pieces are popping up in homes more frequently. Each artisanal piece tells its own story, which is one of the great benefits of decorating with them. Artists sell these pieces to share their stories and passions with the world. Big businesses that mass produce items lack that connection between buyer and seller. This 2019 decor trend will certainly make your home stand out from any other.

Bold Colors

It’s easy to see how the clean and crisp look of grays and whites became so popular. Not only did it look good, but it was a simple combination that looked good in any space. The trouble is, it’s easy to create a room devoid of personality when you are sticking to such no frills palette.  2019 is the year rich, and deep colors make their appearance. A great way to decorate with bold colors is to have a neutral background. Slowly accenting with bold colors brings attention to the pieces you are proud of. The most popular colors we’ve seen so far are jewel tones. Sapphire blue is especially popular among those. There is so much power and potential in this color, it’s a shame this decor trend didn’t pop up sooner.

Comfy Looks

The minimalist decor trend revolved around the “less is more”. In 2019, we can finally say good bye to the minimalism. The comfy looks makes your home look more like a home and less like an art exhibition. We’re not saying to completely clutter your home with useless junk, but don’t be afraid to surround yourself with stuff that is beautiful and useful.  A lot of where the comfy look comes from are colors are textures. Adding bold colors to a room bring life to other decor items. Adding a throw blanket or pillow might not add color, but it does add texture to a room. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple rearrangement of furniture to achieve this look.