Glendale DIGGS | 818.396.7588

Desert Landscaping for the Inner Palm Springs You

Spring is finally here! After a few unusually cold months in Southern California, the heat we are accustomed to has finally returned. The sun is out, butterflies are migrating, and flowers are blooming. Now is the perfect time to tear out the dying plants than have roughed out the winter and turn your home into the perfect desert oasis. Follow our 3 step desert landscaping guide and your home will begin to look like it belongs on a Palm Springs magazine cover.

1. Choosing the right plants

The desert scene pairs perfectly with homes in Southern California. From what we’ve seen, desert landscaping is becoming more common due to the amazing effects it has on our water bills. Green grass is enjoyable for us, but not for our water bills (or allergies). The best part about desert plants are the perfect mix of neutrals and bright, eye catching colors. The fox tail agave, jade plant, and golden barrel cactus bring the right amount of green into your yard, but these plants require little maintenance. Just add water, and these plants begin to flourish. The plant you certainly can’t miss out on is the aloe vera. Medicinal uses and beauty benefits aside, this giant, versatile plant can’t be missed.

Want the color of bright flowers, but not the maintenance? The flaming katy plants yield puffy, bright, and long lasting flowers. You won’t have to stress about dead plants after the flaming katys have been in full bloom. They have green, paddle like leaves underneath the flowers. They’ll begin to blend in with the rest of the plants. The red spike ice plant and blue euphorbia are also plants that produce colorful flowers in full bloom, but begin to look like succulents afterwards.

Rather than having dirt, place gravel between your plants. It will also prevent weeds and other wild plants from growing. The last thing we would want is a small week to distract from your landscaping.

2. Finding a Statement Piece

Desert landscaping is beautiful, but something is missing. Colorful plants certainly create the curb appeal we all look to achieve, but statement pieces in the yard tell people a lot about who you are. Large, architectural pieces placed in the yard can transform your entire home. Before entering, guests notice the attention and care you give to your beloved home. The best pieces are made of copper and bronze. It won’t rust when it rains. The neutral colors of these metals don’t steer away attention from your flowers and succulents. Installation might be a pain, but the satisfaction and beauty will pay off. It will take up major real estate in your yard. That means less landscaping and maintenance for you!

3. Creating a Path

With the beautiful plants and artwork now in your yard, the only thing left is a path that will allow you and your guests to enter the home. Rather than choosing a plain concrete path, try mixing it up. Flagstone walkways differentiate the walkway from the yard due to the size in stones. We recommend choosing a color different from the gravel. A shade too close can turn your yard into a disaster. Installing solar floor lights around the sides of the path will illuminate the garden and your home. Sweeping such a path would be a piece of cake. Low maintenance, but aesthetically pleasing. That’s the desert landscaping we’re all here for.